Platform Characteristics you REALLY need to understand

from our guest blogger Peter Veil Platforms are a very different kind of animal – if you don’t understand you get it really wrong. This sounds like a simple truth [...]

Platform Characteristics you REALLY need to understand2020-05-06T08:02:09+02:00

Let’s get Agile!

Das Thema Agilität beschäftigt uns im xm-institute nicht nur aus der Sicht der angewandten Forschung und Toolentwicklung. Vielmehr sehen wir neben Start-Ups in denen agile Haltung, Methoden und Konzepte seit [...]

Let’s get Agile!2020-05-06T08:02:10+02:00

New insights about “Managing Change Programmes”

We are happy to announce that the new "Gower Handbook of Programme Management" is out. We participated with an article about "managing change programmes" in the book. This 2nd edition of the book [...]

New insights about “Managing Change Programmes”2020-05-06T08:02:10+02:00
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