The xm-institute

Ideas for Management & Leadership in the Next Society

Our Mission

We develop, empower and inspire leaders
to be ready to solve the challenges of our future for a better “Next Society”.

The world ist getting increasingly networked, complex, volatile and dynamic. Technology shifts from a pure tool to a key driver of these developments. And many people reach their limits using their old methods and worldviews they learnd and that were so successful over the past decades.

For a paradigm shift we at xm-institute bring together innovative thinkers and visionaries of various disciplines with interested leaders of different industries. As an institute of applied development in the field of management and leadership we work at the interface between science and business practice to use newest knowledge for the management of tomorrow already today.

The five perspectives of our work



xm-i focuses on organizations as a whole: We see organizations as complex “living” socio-technological systems. We are only at the beginning to see it with new eyes and to understand: How does it really work? How will it be designed in the future? How will we work in the future?



xm-i uses a holistic view and re-integrates the human into the picture of the organization. In the past, they were neglected in the machine models of the industrialization. We see the to organizational performance in humans and their interaction and cooperation with others and their environment.



xm-i puts technology equally aside humans and organizations. Information technology is not only an tool any more, but an operating system, a link and critical success factor of the economy of tomorrow. The Digital Transformation needs innovative concepts and new thinking.

Management & Leadership

Management & Leadership

Management & leadership will remain important disciplines for sustainable success of organizations in the future. But current methods and tools are often several decades old. The xm-i researches, develops and experiments with new, up-to-date forms and methods for the management and leadership of the future.

The Next Society

The Next Society

We are in a transitional phase of digitalization, transparency and informationalization – from the industrial age to the “Next Society”, a term by Peter Drucker & Dirk Baecker. The new future is still uncertain; it is only clear that many things will be significantly different. The xm-i helps with orientation.

The four pillars of our work


Next Level of Consulting & Coaching


Benefit practically from our expertise and research as a leader or organization. Develop leadership POWER and actively shape the leadership system in order to ensure the future market success of your own company in a complex VUCA world.

xm-blog & xm-community

Connecting Ideas & Brains

xm-blog & xm-community

Connect researchers and thought leaders who see new things with leaders who think differently to allow new things to emerge. Learn exciting new ideas about leadership processes and the world of tomorrow. Read and also interact online.

xm-praxis & labs

Experience the Future of Management

xm-praxis & labs

Experience and learn about the management of tomorrow already today – in new settings, in new unexpected environments, in new workshop formats and in laboratories of the future. Exploring new paths – with thought leaders and the next generation as tour guides.


Delivering Leading Edge Applied Research


Translate abstract science findings and new ideas into concrete applications for practice. Working together on new solutions for management challenges of the present and future. Better understand and evaluate the future through studies.

The foundation of our work

As a privately founded institute for application development, we allow ourselves to break out of the confines of pure science. We value the scientific research tradition, but we also see its limitations: specialization in disciplines and scientific fields, clash of different schools of thought, path dependency, and limited appreciation of new ideas and concepts.

At xm-institute we love:

  • “Praxis”-orientation: The equal integration of theory knowledge and practical application.
  • Eclectics: Borrowing ideas from various schools and specialties, when this serves to solve problems and advance knowledge; but without the tendency to arbitrariness.
  • Inter-Disciplinarity: Integrating findings across scientific disciplines.
  • Experiments and Heuristics: Instead of waiting for confirmation from empirical scientific studies, we test new ideas in practice and combine empirical knowledge with the latest findings and research results.

Despite a high practical orientation, we feel connected to different scientific roots. Open for new things in the future and without being conclusive, we see them in the following research directions and scientific disciplines:

  • Systems Theory, CAS
  • Complexity Theory, Network Theory, Chaos Theory
  • Psychology, Sociology und Ethnology
  • (Evolutionary) Biology, Physics and Mathematics
  • Informatics

The exclusion of the obvious economic sciences is by no means disdain and ignorance, but rather the obvious origin of the founders and the understanding of the field of economics and society as a clear scope of the enumerated disciplines.

We use our expertise not only for the development of new ideas and concepts, but equally also in consulting to…

  • … helping our clients to see their challenges with different eyes – in workshops and team settings, coaching or change projects
  • … achieve holistic, sustainably effective improvements
  • … fully realize the potential of cross-fertilization between practical application and theory.